


The Life Dop project will materialize in the following activities:

Manure Stock Exchange

  • Valorisation of manure in the energy sector (biogas) for maize replacement (food safety) and trade promotion for proper manure management (manure stock exchange)

In the field

  • Virtuous management of the digestate in the field and reduction of mineral fertilizer (circular economy)
  • Production of sustainable feeds (minimum tillage on the field, carbon stock increase in soli, integrated pest control, etc.)

In the stable

  • Breeding Management: optimized feeding, correct manure management in the stables


  • Optimization of dairy phase: quantification of material and energy inputs, identification of critical points for improvement


  • Total calculation of the impacts of the new model according to LCA methodology


The data, network and experience of the project will be shared throughout the project with the engineers, institutions, associations and consumers through initiatives to inform and build a real culture of sustainability in the livestock sector

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