
Manure Stock Exchange

Borsa effluenti zootecnici

One of the first activities of the Life DOP project consists of a web platform for the creation and use of a bag manure.

Target groups

Livestock farmers, biogas plants, users of fertilizers and organic amendments


The value chain

  • Renewable energy production (biogas)
  • Enhancement of soil improver power and fertilizer (N, P, K) of the digestate
  • Environmental value: balance nitrogen load in the territory, reduce methane emission from slurry, increase  the sustainability of the supply chain

Informations available on the platform

  • Sites (farms available to the disposal of animal waste)
  • Geo-referencing of the sites
  • Survey of infrastructural facilities at the potential suppliers (storage of liquids and solids);
  • Characterization of supply (quantity and quality of materials)

Manure stock exchange services

  • Trading Management (list)
  • logistics services (contractors).

Action responsible

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