Digestate and efficient and sustainable management of nutrients

Nutrients and carbon management is one of Life Dop actions.

The nutrient management represents an important item of the environmental impacts of modern agriculture

The introduction of anaerobic digestion in the livestock sector brings many environmental benefits that go far beyond the production of renewable energy, but are related to more sustainable management of animal manure:

digestate, if managed properly, can significantly increase the efficiency of the units of nitrogen and instead reduce the dispersion in water and atmosphere, decreasing environmental pollution.

In detail here’s how the anaerobic digestion of manure can improve the environmental impact of agricultural production.

  1. Methane emissions and greenhouse gases
  2. Reduction of ammonia emissions
  3. N2O emissions
  4. Reduction of nitrogen leached into the groundwater through a targeted distribution
  5. Sanitation and reduction of pathogens
  6. Reduction of odour emissions
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Azione Life DOP B4

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