Circular economy, from idea to action

After the revolution of disposable products, like Gillette razor blades from the beginning of the last century and today extended to large slices of the market of consumer goods, the pendulum slides back toward the circular economy. The world population is growing at a rate of 80 million people a year and could reach 11 billion at the end of this century, from 7.4 billion today.

Maintaining the linear model of exploitation, in the logic followed so far to dig, package, consume and discard, it means making the planet increasingly uninhabitable and confront the growing scarcity of raw materials, which already have a strong price volatility, an increase average of 150% in the last decade.

“Many companies have reached this understanding, now we have to bridge the gap between idea and action,” says Joss Blériot, number one of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the company that brought the circular economy at the center of the European institutional policies.

Read more on Sole 24 Ore> Elena Comelli “The circular economy to the test of the market” 27/12/16
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