


The LIFE DOP project was funded by the European Union under the Life Programme 2015.

The project actions will be implemented between September 1, 2016 and March 1, 2021, the date set for completion of the work.

Project objectives

The Life DOP goals are varied and ambitious:

  • Combining intensive production and environmental quality
  • Defining an environmentally sustainable production model for Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano in the province of Mantova
  • Promoting, throughout the supply chain, efficient and circular use of resources
  • Testing innovative good practices adapted to the territory and the supply chain of dairy cattle
  • Validating the LCA analysis through a LCA Model on primary data collected at all stages of the supply chain
  • Ensuring the financial sustainability of the model
  • Demonstrating the numbers of sustainability and value on the market
  • Promoting a sustainable model in a quality chain that can become a replicable model in other European countries


Environmental sustainability is a value difficult to implement, if it doesn’t go hand in hand with economic sustainability. The Life DOP project has among its objectives to demonstrate that sustainability and profitability are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, it is precisely in a production optimized by technological progress that the principles of sustainability can have a full and effective implementation.

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